Advantages over existing bioplastics
Biopolyethylene (bioPE) |
Polylactide(PLA) |
Starch resin |
Conventional cellulose acetate (CA) |
Redesigned cellulosic resin |
Raw material |
Sugarcane |
ex. Corn |
ex. Corn |
Wood pulp |
Agricultural waste |
Designability |
None |
None |
Moderate |
Low |
High |
Advantages over existing bioplastics
Biopolyethylene (bioPE) |
Polylactide (PLA) |
Starch resin |
Conventional cellulose acetate (CA) |
Redesigned cellulosic resin |
in Soil |
none |
only in Composting |
moderate |
Long induction period |
Controllable induction period |
in Ocean |
none |
none |
moderate |
Long induction period |
Controllable induction period |
Biodegradability of cellulosic resins with controlled degree of substitution (DS)
Advantages of IL/REX method over conventional methods for producing cellulosic resins
Conventional method |
IL/REX method |
Production step |
Multi steps |
One step |
Production time |
48 hours |
within 10 min |
Substitution |
Only One at same time |
Multi at same time |
DS control |
Uncontrollable |
Arbitrarily controllable |
Flow synthesis |
Impossible |
Possible |
Unreacted raw material |
Moderate |
Very low |
Decrease of degree of polymerization (DP) |
High |
Very low |
Conventional |
IL method |
Esterification |
Deesterification |
Esterification |